Mobypark Community: Meet Corey - Mobyparker, and SOULfood provider!

Curious who rents parking spaces on Mobypark? Read this interview with Corey: a Mobyparker and singer living in the Netherlands.
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Mobypark Community: Meet Corey - Mobyparker, and SOULfood provider!


The Mobypark Community is full of fascinating people who use the platform for different reasons. A little while ago, we got to know Juliana van den Boogaard, an artist living in Amsterdam and Sam, a student from Utrecht.

Up next is the singer, entrepreneur, and SOULfood provider extraordinaire: Corey van Nes! An ambitious person who likes to have many things going on at once. Check out this interview to find out more about Corey’s backstory, her day-to-day and why she started using Mobypark!

1. Could you tell me a bit about yourself? What is your backstory?

Where do I start?... Let's see... I am an inspirational speaker and singer with a track record of having travelled all around the world sharing the stage with great singers like Mary J Blige, John Legend, Kirk Franklin just to name a few. I also have two awards on my name for Best Dutch R&B singer and I've won first place at the prestigious Grand Prize of the Netherlands contest. I've performed at the Apollo NY, North Sea Jazz and many other awesome venues. I've tasted great success but never found true prosperity. I reached the top but could not fully enjoy my successes because of a lack of wellness in my SOUL. But all that has changed. Now more than anything else I am a passionate woman of faith who has great compassion for the wellness of my soul and the people around me. I also go by the name of Corey, The Soul Scientist. I am fascinated with how the soul lives, moves and has its being and how we can discover, heal and preserve it to live lives as prosperous purposeful individuals but also as a people unavoidably connected on this earth.

I grew up in a household where being emotionally expressive was seen as weakness, useless, dramatic or something to be ashamed about. As I matured and got the help I needed to heal, I started seeing that their method was not effective at all. Many years later we are still suffering from the injuries caused by unhealed, unspoken and unprocessed wounds and emotions. This inspired me to help others make other choices and do the necessary work to prevent this from happening to them. Soul Care is now my business.

2. Can you tell me about A Peace of Me services? What exactly do you do and what is its focus?

A Peace Of Me stands for the Peace I found during my search for the truth, the way and the life that I should live to have a more prosperous life than before.

I wanted to share this Peace I found with the world to help flourish LOVE, LIFE & FAITH relationships. So I started an entertainment and service business to facilitate different creative entertainment concepts to provide inspiration, information and transformation to those who are searching for personal but also collective effectivity in relationships on Private, Nonprofit and Corporate levels. Besides being a keynote speaker and singer I also do singing telegrams, living room sessions, theatre concerts, dinner shows and seminars all with a LOVE LIFE FAITH theme.

I believe most suffering in this world comes from a lack of intimacy. My focus is to bring people closer to each other by bringing them closer to themselves by bringing them closer to God through Jesus Christ. I now dedicate my life, talents and gifts to facilitate others on their journey to a healthier soul. It's my mission to make a difference in this generation so the next generation can benefit from the fruits of our transformation by the renewing of the SOUL.

3. You mentioned that A Peace of Me recently started a high-end fast food concept called WHO'S JOHNNY'S. Can you tell me about that?

WHO'S JOHNNY'S is THE FIRST & ONLY Jamaican Johnny Cake shop in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. A Johnny Cake is a delicious homemade fried bread with or without a finger-licking topping. Toppings for example could be the SLICK CHICK Jamaican Jerk Chicken, SOMETHING FISHY Fajita Tuna Melt, CHEESE LOUISE matured cheese or the vegetarian BEANIE MAN beans & mushrooms and so much more delicious options.

We basically deliver a delightful happy Caribbean inspired feast in your belly. A place where Soul Food meets Fast Food.

4. You are also involved in the entertainment sphere. What is that like?

Well for example when I deliver a Singing telegram I pop up at someone's house, workplace or restaurant to surprise the receiver with an uplifting song and message that touches the heart and comforts the soul. Or when I provide living room sessions where I entertain a group of people in the privacy of their own home, they are entertained with inspirational stories about my love, life and faith life. The stories are funny, entertaining, educational, inspirational but also transformational. You’ll never leave the same way you came and after the session, the relationships within the group has become even more intimate than ever before.

Or the Club Soul Amazing Concept is a fine dining setting with Live Jazz music, a 3-course meal and different disciplines of the arts. From comedians, poets, singers, instrumentalists, on spot painters.

And then we have the Theater Play Soulconfessions of a woman where we use live musicians, actors and video’s to display scenes of my love life and faith stories. A great night out filled with inspiration

But we occasionally also just do small intimate live concerts where I sing my songs and we vibe to the music. Click on the image below to watch Corey perform.

5. How would you describe a typical day for you?

Well, my days have been so different and ever-changing since the covid epidemic. It's far from typical at this point. But I always try to start with prayer and meditation and write in my journal any revelations or instructions I might have received for my day. Then loaded with a dose of gratefulness, courage and faith, I face the challenges of the day. It's been a rollercoaster ride with my business and ministry. Because we adapt quickly we can still be profitable and relevant but every time a new restriction comes we lose our investment. So honestly with shaky knees we often are walking on water by faith and not by sight.

6. Do you travel often by car?

Yes, almost every day. My car is essential for my business but also my social and private life.

Next to my business, I am a caretaker for both my parents as well so I need my car to transport them when necessary.

7. Why did you start using Mobypark?

It took 6 months to get a parking permit so I need a safe place close by to park my car. Luckily, I found a garage through Mobypark available right up the street from my house so I was tremendously happy I did not have to go far to get to my car.


Isn’t Corey amazing? Check out more of Corey’s work via A Pease Of Me Entertainment on Facebook!

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