Parking in Namur

Parking in Namur
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Find parking in Namur

Namur, situated in Wallonia's center, is an appealing tourist destination renowned for its rich cultural heritage and beautiful landscape. Renowned landmarks include Citadel of Namur, Saint Aubin's Cathedral and Felicien Rops Museum which draw thousands of visitors each year. However, with a population of 110,939 (as of 2021) and proximity to other significant Belgian cities like Brussels and Liege, parking in Namur may become challenging during peak tourism periods; that's where Mobypark comes in with affordable, secure and convenient options that offer affordable, safe parking options that make Namur an easy and convenient destination!

Namur's most impressive attraction is its stunning Citadel, an ancient fortress offering breathtaking panoramic views over the city. Additionally, Old Town provides a nostalgic glimpse into its rich history while Namur-Gembloux Canal allows scenic boat tours. Events like Fete de Wallonie, Namur en Mai and Foire de Namur bring crowds in droves making parking even harder!

Parking in Namur: The Challenges

Namur's city centre offers paid parking only during weekdays; however, availability and costs can be severely restricted and costs high. Furthermore, certain zones such as l'Universite and Celestines limit parking to four hours at most; making a leisurely visit difficult. Popular areas like Boulevard Frere Orban and Place des Cadets allow long-term parking but this option often fills up due to low rates; international blue parking discs only grant free parking up to a maximum duration of three hours in its outskirts!

At its heart lies the city centre, with parking hours running from 09:00-17:00 Monday to Saturday at a cost of EUR1.00 for each hour parked from one to three and up to EUR6.00 in maximum of three. In districts like Universite et Celestines the hourly rate drops down to EUR0.75, limited up to four hours maximum parking duration; long term parking facilities limited up to eight hours are found along Boulevard Frere Orban and Place des Cadets with rates set at either EUR0.50 per hour or EUR4.00 respectively.

Residents and workers in the city centre may apply for parking permits that enable them to park at reduced rates in certain locations; however, availability is often limited.

Mobypark: Your Affordable and Convenient Parking Solution in Namur

Mobypark understands the need for secure, affordable, and convenient parking solutions in Namur. That is why we have developed a platform where individuals and companies (like hotels) can rent out their private parking spaces when not being used; this approach helps save up to 60% compared to regular public parking tariffs in Namur.

At our key locations across Namur, our key parking facilities cater to your specific needs - whether visiting the Citadel or exploring Old Town. We specialize in offering secure yet convenient parking solutions that fit seamlessly with your schedule - making your visit to Namur worry-free and enjoyable. No need to worry about maximum hours or high rates; simply pick the spot that's perfect for you.

Mobypark makes Namur parking hassle-free with ample spots, affordable costs, and timely availability - we take away the stress of limited spots, high costs and time constraints with affordable yet hassle-free parking experience that gives peace of mind to visitors to Namur! Experience hassle-free parking experience that saves money and offers peace of mind during visits - make the most of your visit knowing your car is safely parked with us - Mobypark!

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