Best things to do in Amsterdam in 3 days – Day 2

Still searching for the perfect weekend plan for your upcoming Amsterdam trip? Check our insider tips about things to do in Amsterdam and enjoy your stay!
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Best things to do in Amsterdam in 3 days – Day 2


If you've missed the first day, here it is!

Day 2

#1 Bakers&Roasters: one of the greatest brunch places around

Feeling a bit tired from all that walking yesterday? Recharge at Bakers&Roasters in the morning and get energised for the whole day. Bakers&Roasters is a converted car workshop in de Pijp, enjoy their fresh, homemade egg dishes or blueberry pancakes, topped up with a smoothie or milkshake. Be prepared to wait for 20-30 minutes, but we promise you it is totally worth it.

#2 Walk through the street art in Spuistraat

Don’t feel like making any plans but just exploring the city by foot? You are lucky, Amsterdam is a city where you can admire beautiful architectures simply walking through canals.

If you want to admire some artworks, you can always walk in Spuistraat, you will be surrounded by colourful street art. Not far away from them, you can always enjoy a drink in one of the cosy caffè in the Jordan area.

#3 Body Worlds

Ready for more museum time? Try the anatomy museum Body Worlds: The Happiness Project which is located in the heart of the city. Here you will be taken on a journey of discovery the human body, search of happiness and its effect on your health! A journey like no other!

#4 Chillout at Pllek beach

Would you like to escape the busy city centre and experience Amsterdam Noord? Take the free ferry behind Amsterdam Centraal and head over to NDSM. This industrial area is getting more and more trendy, Pllek is one of the great places there with a beach like chillout-area and life music in the evenings.

P.S: Check out the Yoga classes on Saturday or Sunday morning to start fresh in the day.

#5 Hannekes boom

Time to get ready for the night! Hannekes boom is a waterfront cafe with live music and DJ night. It's open till late in the weekend and it's perfect for the summer!

#6 Toomler Comedy Club

Looking for some good fun? Head to Toomler! The nice thing about the place is that an evening here is not only about comedy. One can also grab a nice snack. The club is a eccentric spot where many new and old names in the comedy world perform.

You're starting to know the best spots where real Amsterdammers go out. Your weekend is that close to be perfect! However we kept the best for the third day right here...

Make sure to also check the parking options with Mobypark which can give you a nice experience while wondering around the city!


Passionate about creating connections, exchanging experiences and growing together; when Mobypark was introduced to me & I got thrilled by the opportunity to make a change in city mobility and optimize how people interact with each other. And, of course, be more sustainable.