Best things to do in Amsterdam in 3 days – Day 3

Have you planned a weekend trip to Holland and you are still looking for things to do in Amsterdam? Read our guide with local tips and enjoy Amsterdam!
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Best things to do in Amsterdam in 3 days – Day 3


If you've missed day 2, here it is!

Day 3

#1 Get on a private boat on the Amsterdam canals

With more and more companies entering the sharing economy market, one very cool company named Barqo provides you now with boats from private people. Skip the overcrowded canal cruises and take your fellow travellers, some wine, cheese and Dutch stropwaffel, and enter a private boat to enjoy some hours on the Amsterdam grachten. The best part of it: it is really affordable!

#2 Hotel Chocolat – looking for some gifts to bring home?

Do you fancy some cacao? Hotel Chocolat is not an “actual hotel” but a small chocolate shop. Not only can you buy the most exquisite chocolate treats but you can also grab a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate while enjoying the ever-so relaxed atmosphere on the first floor. A most recommended experience that you won’t forget. Plus why not buy some gifts while you’re at it?

#3 Amsterdam local beer breweries

Time to taste some local stuff? One thing Dutch are very good at is making beer. Besides famous Heineken, there are some small breweries that still brew their own, very tasty beer. For example, the Brewery ‘t IJ in Amsterdam East, located in an old windmill, provides you with a selection of more than 30 home made beers. On top of this, you can order a beer tasting for 9€!

#4 Amsterdam Jazz

For those who aren’t tired yet, we have more things to do in Amsterdam. Amsterdam is a city full of artists, thus it is only self evident that many places all over the city offer great live jazz music. Our favorite places for a jazz night are the North Sea Jazz Club in Westerpark, Cotton Club in the Nieuwmark and the Jungle Amsterdam in Oosterpark. Check out before heading there on which nights live music is played!

#5 Amsterdam Dungeon

Or do you feel like changing the scenery a little bit? Brace yourself for a horror theater show in the Amsterdam Dungeon Museum. As you walk through the dungeon you will get to witness various performances in absolute darkness. This is to be accompanied by lights, smell and sounds – lots of it! Definitely a challenge for the brave-hearted!

Besides this, Amsterdam Rijksmuseum and Van Gogh museum are always a good choice and definetely worth a visit, just make sure you buy your ticket in advance so you can skip the long lines.

A last tip

As you may know it, Amsterdam is a city with canals everywhere and very narrow streets. Driving around with your car in the city is definitely the last thing to do for many reasons, and above all because there is a more convenient, economical and sustainable way to visit this city... We tell you everything about it here.

Check available parking spaces around these activities and enjoy your day!

Do you have any extra tip to add? Share it with us!


Passionate about creating connections, exchanging experiences and growing together; when Mobypark was introduced to me & I got thrilled by the opportunity to make a change in city mobility and optimize how people interact with each other. And, of course, be more sustainable.